Resources and Databases

A library database is an online searchable collection of information. Libraries buy subscriptions to databases so learners (like you!) can find useful and interesting information. Library databases contain tons of information:

  • scholarly peer-reviewed articles
  • newspaper articles
  • trade publications
  • book reviews
  • magazine articles

Everyone can use our library databases to find research and information on a variety of topics.

Access World News Research Collection 2024
Explore and stay informed on local, national, and international topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources from around the world to around the corner.

America’s News
Gives the ability to search current and archived coverage of issues, events, people, government, sports and more with the largest collection of full-text U.S. newspapers. Includes staff-written articles, obituaries, editorials, announcements, real estate and other sections.

Barnstable County Department of Human Services Directory
A robust local health and human services directory with resources for individuals, families, and agencies on Cape Cod with public health questions and concerns. The directory provides a vetted medical library, community health indicator data, evidence-based programs, current legislation, and related news. The directory also contains comprehensive resources on aging and disability; behavioral health; crisis services; disease prevention and treatment; housing and homelessness; public health; substance use; and basic needs..

Boston Public Library Free Online Resources
Anyone who lives, works or owns property in Massachusetts can have a Boston Public Library card. Use the link above to register for an online card and access a wealth of material.

Brewster Council on Aging
The Brewster COA has a number of programs ranging from Fitness classes, Transportation, Food Assistance, and Tech Help,

Brewster Ladies Library Historic Digital Archive
The Brewster Ladies Library has certain items from our Historic Collection digitized with help from the Boston Public Library and Digital Commonwealth.

Brewster Ladies Library Videos
Videos of Brewster Ladies Library Events, Concerts, and other Programs.

Cape Cod Native Plants 
This online tool is designed to help you find the native plants best-suited for specific sites that provide the greatest ecological function and benefit, and that will also complement your Cape Cod landscape design.

Cape Cod Times
Provides full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of Cape Cod Times. Updated daily, it includes obituaries, editorials, announcements, sports, real estate and other sections.  New to the BLL is the Cape Cod Times digital image version, which looks just like a newspaper you’d have delivered to your front door.  Available for the years 2018 to current.

Climate Resilience Hub
Brewster Ladies’ Library serves as Climate Resilience Hub which provides residents with resources about extreme weather preparedness and other impacts of climate change as member of the Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) network.

Consumer Reports
Provides expert, independent, non-profit consumer information.

A database of everything crafty, with information on a countless subjects ranging from sewing to papercraft. Fully free with your Brewster Ladies Library Card, you can access video tutorials as well as step by step instructions for thousands of different crafting projects.
This requires a BLL Library Card.

Data Cape Cod
A local and regional dataset website to support planning efforts, and economic development created by the Cape Cod Commission.

Encyclopedia Britannica
Explore the updated online encyclopedia with hundreds of thousands of articles, biographies, videos, images, and web sites.

Findhelp is a community portal that provides residents of Cape Cod online access to available resources such as housing, healthcare, early education, and more.

Gale Databases
Search our databases to find full-text articles and citations from journals, magazines and newspapers, as well as primary sources, statistical data and more.

Grief Support Resources
A curated collection of resources and support offerings for people experiencing grief on the Cape and Islands. If you are navigating your own grief journey or know someone who is, we hope you find these resources helpful.

A database that allows you to find ancestors using the U. S. Census 1790-1930; locate people and places with Persi, a database of 1.6 million genealogy and local history articles, and search selected records from the Revolutionary War.

Brewster Ladies’ Library card holders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or IOS device, or access it via their Roku player or to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow 24/7, for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. Hoopla Digital is offered at no cost to patrons and can be accessed with a current Brewster library card. To sign up for Hoopla, click here.
This requires a BLL Library Card.

Provide free ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and video, all from the comfort of your computer or smartphone!

Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)
MACRIS data is compiled from records and files maintained by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), including but not limited to, the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth, National Register of Historic Places nominations, State Register of Historic Places listings, and local historic district study reports.

Massachusetts Legal Help
A comprehensive legal self-help resource that helps Massachusetts residents learn about their legal rights. is a legal information website that is a collaborative effort of the Massachusetts civil legal aid community, run by a team at Massachusetts Law Reform Institute. They offer over 800 pieces of content in article, e-book, and video format.

Memory Support Collection
Find our Memory Support Collection, for both people suffering from memory loss and their caregivers.

Milestone Documents in American History
The first of five primary source resources from the Schlager Group and Salem Press. It combines 134 full-text primary source documents with expert analysis and commentary.

NoveList Plus
Database contains fiction and non-fiction titles for all ages from youngest readers to adults. It includes book discussions guides and thematic booklists. Learn more about books and authors through Authors Read-alikes, Feature Articles, and Book Talks. You can search by author, title, series name and subject.

Oral History Interviews
Local residents discuss Brewster’s past and present in 19 videoed interviews.
97 additional oral histories in CD format with transcripts may be borrowed from the Brewster Ladies’ Library. They are located in the library’s reference section.

Peterson’s Test Prep
This online education tool offers users standardized exam preparation, including practice tests, eBooks, and online courses. Ideal for researching undergraduate and graduate school programs, finding tuition assistance, exploring academic opportunities, and preparing for professional careers.

Transparent Language
Transparent Language Online provides an engaging language learning experience in which learners can build vocabulary, grammar, and cultural knowledge in more than 110 languages, including English.