May Newsletter
Congratulating Our Director on Her First Year! Read her full reflection HERE. I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for the hard-working and impressively creative staff, for the support and guidance of the dedicated BLLA Board, for the generous and invaluable work of the army of BLL volunteers, and for the always collaborative and helpful staff of the Town of Brewster. Although this first year has been full of change for all involved, the BLL team still provided the highest quality customer service, reference help, resources, programming, and atmosphere that Brewster patrons have come to know and love. In addition to BLL staples, staff worked tirelessly to provide even more to the Brewster community over the past 12 months.
Books & Big Ideas

The Town of Brewster has created an all-ages community read program entitled “Books & Big Ideas,” which aims to use books to encourage discussion about topics affecting our community. Starting in April, community members are encouraged to read titles from a curated selection of books about housing. These stories intend to provide different perspectives on housing, including the importance of “home”, housing insecurity, seasonal housing, affordable housing, and more. Books & Big Ideas will include events from April to June to facilitate the sharing of ideas.
Deception on the Eve of
World War I with
Author Douglas Brunt To register click HERE.
Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City with M. Nolan Gray  To register please click HERE.
May Art Exhibit

On Display:
May 4th – May 31st
May is Mental Health
Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It can be hard to know where to start when caring for our mental health. The library has contemporary print and digital books that can help you get started and along the way. The Brewster Ladies' Library Confidential Corners are collections of books and materials patrons can take without checking out. Learn more about the adult Confidential Corner HERE. We also have a Confidential Corner for Teens, which you can learn about HERE. Need help finding books? Ask a librarian! We are here to help.
Mystery, Family, Story
& Love Letter to
Women with Nina Simon

To register please click HERE.
Tiny Art Workshop
for Adults

To register please click HERE.
Movie Matinee 
To register please click HERE.
Green Burial
Information Session

To register please click HERE.
The Joys of Traveling Alone

To register please click HERE.
Travel Training with CCRTA

To register please click HERE.
Asian Americans in Literature: An Author Talk with Rebecca F. Kuang 
To register please click HERE.
Avoiding Election Misinformation  To register please click HERE. Landscape Embroidery Workshop  THIS PROGRAM IS FULL Connecting the Past with the Present with Peggy Jablonski  To register click HERE. Grief Support  To register click HERE. Yoga Neighborhood  To register click HERE. Volunteers Needed  Contact Pat Meservey at Practice Your French at the Library  If interested please email Ann Marie at Afternoon Book Group  To participate: please email
Check out Our Online Resources |
Youth Services

Thank you to everyone who came
out to our Taylor Swift Party!
We had so much fun!
Babies and Books  |

Lego Club 
MarioKart Tournament

Register for this event HERE.
Afterschool Makerspace

To register please click HERE.
Tiny Art Workshop  To register please click HERE.
Boomerang Bags

For more information, please click HERE.
Lower Cape TV
Seed Library Story

Read the full story HERE.
The seed library in Brewster is growing more than just plants. With a deeper purpose of connecting and strengthening the community, Gabrielle Griffis from Brewster Ladies' Library is hoping to inspire people to participate in the seed exchange program. Planting seeds can reap greater benefits such as growing a shareconomy and countering the loss of biodiversity.
Youth Artist Fellow

Apply to be our next Youth Artist Fellow!
Click HERE to learn more.
Student Ambassador Program

Please click HERE to learn more!
To express interest please email:
Library Staff Trained
by Fire Department

Thank you Brewster Fire Department's EMS Coordinator FF/Paramedic Kirk Rounseville and Captain/Paramedic Chad Foakes for presenting a CPR and Stop the Bleed program to staff members at the Brewster Ladies Library.
Creativebug Classes

Check out these free online Creativebug
classes during the month of May!
Faux Celebration Cakes
Crafting Conversation with Rebecca Ringquist
Sign up for your Creativebug account
with your Brewster Ladies' Library card HERE.
May Display Case Artist
Cowan Raymond

View their work HERE.
Cowan is a multidisciplinary artist and folk historian. Raised by a sculptor and a fisherman-glassblower, they have been working on the water and in production studios their whole life. Their work focuses on celebrating rural queerness and the preservation of traditional folk culture & music, with an emphasis on Cape maritime history.
Calling All Nonprofits

The Brewster Ladies’ Library has a table available for nonprofits to set up and conduct outreach to our patrons. If you’re interested in this opportunity and your nonprofit serves Brewster and / or Lower Cape communities, please email for more info or to schedule a time slot.
Tech Drop-In Hours  Click HERE to learn more.
Please send your submissions to
May Poem of the Month  To read the local poem of the month, |
Become a Brewster Ladies'
Library Association Member

Become a member click HERE.
Your membership supports children’s and adult programming—including the newly launch lifetime learning Discover and Enrichment Series, as well as concerts, art exhibitions, book talks, discounts on museum passes, access to digital books, magazines, and newspapers. Membership Benefits Include: Early access to Nickerson Lecture tickets & Summer Book Sale as well as discounts in the library store.
Check Out Our New Titles 
Click HERE to browse what's new. Want updates on the newest titles at the BLL? Click here to sign up for our Wowbrary newsletter.
Contact Information Brewster Ladies' Library 1822 Main Street Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-3913 Follow us! |